Meeting Your Goals

Key performance indicators. Success measures. Data-driven decisions.

These phrases aren’t just business jargon; they’ve become key components in the higher education landscape. This means schools are making tough, business-minded decisions that affect all departments, including athletics.

While most believe athletics provides benefits to student-athletes, what about the college itself? Is it possible to measure the return on athletics at the institutional level? We believe so and are working to do just that through our Return on Athletics™ (ROA) initiative. ROA puts the business of NAIA member institutions front and center.

The NAIA already offers valuable services to our members. In addition to helping students navigate eligibility regulations, the Eligibility Center generates revenue used to support other membership resources. NAIA Showcase events have brought together more than 1,800 prospective student-athletes and coaches from 120 NAIA schools and are expanding to the west coast this summer. INCRED, our most recent innovation, evaluates international student transcripts for NAIA eligibility and simplifies the admissions process for our member institutions.

Our job as an association is to help you meet your goals. How can the NAIA advance the issues most important to you? How can we help you deliver on success metrics critical to your institution?  How can we help you attract and retain students? Most importantly, how can the NAIA help you provide the best possible student-athlete experience? Our sole mission is to support you and help you succeed. By focusing on ROA, we will be able to better support your efforts so your athletics program – and institution – can thrive.

Come back soon to find out more on your RETURN ON ATHLETICS